S.A.V.E.- Shippensburg Area Virtual Education
Shippensburg Area Virtual Education
Full time cyber option utilizing standards-aligned curriculum through Capital Area Online Learning Association
Asynchronous learning for students to complete school work on a flexible schedule.
Flexible opportunities for one-on-one or small group meetings for virtual courses with SASD teachers.

High quality instruction
Student centered learning
Flexible learning options
Graduate with a SASD diploma
Eligible to participate in school activities including: sports, clubs, plays, band, field trips, and social activities.
The S.A.V.E. Handbook is a great way to learn more about the wonderful opportunities that we offer.
For students who are currently enrolled in S.A.V.E. and need access to your account, please click on the S.A.V.E. Login.
To enroll in S.A.V.E please email the appropriate person listed below:
Students in grades 9-12 – christopher.debias@ship.k12.pa.us
All other students – sarah.gerber@ship.k12.pa.us
For more information contact
Sheri Woodall
Director of Curriculum, Instruction and Assessment
717-530-2700. ext 1003