Greyhound Athletic Department

Important Dates

Spring 2025 Sports Activity Fee

  • HS & MS Due--March 28th

High School Cheer Tryouts

  • May 13th-16th--3pm-5pm--HS B Gym

Middle School Cheer Tryouts

  • May 19th-21st--5pm-7pm--MS Gym
  • May 22nd--4pm-7pm--MS Gym

First Day 2025 Fall Sports

  • Varsity Football & HS Golf--August 4th
  • JH Football & All Other HS Sports--August 11th
  • MS Field Hockey & MS Cross Country--August 18th

First Day 2025-2026 Winter Sports

  • High School--Monday November 17th
  • Middle School--Wednesday November 19th

First Day 2026 Spring Sports

  • High School--Monday March 2nd
  • Middle School--Wednesday March 4th



2024-2025 Athletic Physical & Paperwork Information

Any student (grades 7 – 12) who plans on participating in a PIAA school sponsored sport in the 2024-2025 school year must have an athletic physical on or after May 1, 2024. Any physical dated prior to May 1, 2024 will not be valid Completed athletic physical packets should be turned in to the Athletic Office at the High School. 

  • Physical packets are available on the left hand side of the page under Quick Links and are also available in the Athletic Office. 


  • A student must be signed up for a time slot for their sports physical on June 6th. You can sign your student up at the following link CLICK HERE.

  • Take the on-line Impact Concussion Test at home if needed. Concussion testing is required once every two years, typically in Grades 7, 9 and 11. If you are not sure of your status, please check with the Athletic Office. Failure to take your concussion test could affect being able to tryout or start the sport on time. CLICK HERE to complete the Impact Test. The testing directions are available on the left hand side of the page under Quick Links. 



Athletic Contest Spectator Information

  • Students middle school age and younger must be accompanied by a parent/guardian in order to be admitted to any athletic contests at the Middle School and/or High School. Students who are not accompanied by a parent/guardian who are middle school age or younger will not be permitted in to the contest.

  • Student IDs must be shown to be admitted at the student ticket price.
  • Student admission is charged for any student grades K-12.
  • Backpacks are not permitted.
  • Sports balls are not permitted in to the contest.
  • If a backpack or sports ball is brought into the contest the backpack or sports ball will be stored in the ticket booth until the end of the contest.
  • Ticket Prices (cash only):  $5 adults & $3 students/senior citizens.
Greyhound Athletics


(fax) 717-530-2799 

Office Hours: 
7:30am - 3:30pm

Athletic Director
Ms. Sarah Fanus, ext. 1063

Athletic Secretary
Mrs. Melissa Jones, ext. 1063

Athletic Trainer
Mrs. Sam Marsh, ext. 6091




Senior High School
201 Eberly Dr.
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Google Maps

Middle School
101 Park Place
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Google Maps

Veterans Memorial Park
100 Park Place
Shippensburg, PA 17257
Google Maps


Senior Citizen Athletic Pass


In order to receive your free pass please stop by the Administration Office or Athletic Office located at the High School during normal building hours.  You must take your drivers license or some form of ID to verify that you live in Shippensburg.

Athletic passes can be used for any home regular season Middle School or High School contest.


Under Act 82 of 2012, school entities are also required to provide public access to the information as well as provide notice to students, staff and parents. Act 82 requires school entities to make the completed athletic disclosure form available.
