School Lunch Program
Unless a minimum number of items, or components, are taken by a student, a free or reduced lunch cannot be purchased. The minimum number of components that must be taken by a student is three (3). To qualify as a lunch, students must take either a fruit or vegetable, and may take both. All food items offered on a menu are classified as “components.” The five components of a school lunch are:
-Meat/Meat Alternate – Includes all beef, chicken, ham and pork items, cheese and eggs.
-Bread/Bread Alternate – Includes all bread items including taco shells, pastas, bread filling and pizza crust.
-Vegetables – All potato items, fresh and frozen vegetables and tomato soup.
-Fruit – All fruit, canned or fresh, cherry and apple toppings or crisps and fruit juice.
-Milk – All fluid milk.
Every lunch menu contains at least one item from each of the five components. A Chicken Patty Sandwich, for example, contains two components: bread (the bun) and meat (the chicken patty). Most entrees, including pizza, cheeseburgers and salad plates, contain two components. It is important to note that students must take a fruit or vegetable to qualify as a lunch (per NSLP standards beginning August, 2012).